Education and qualification
Environmental and resource conservation comes to life because of committed people who can clearly convey their expert knowledge, are good environmental communicators, and can thus organize interesting nature experiences for everyone.
Important issues such as sustainable development or climate change require local and regional expertise in order to make subjects vivid, interesting, and perceptible, and to convey them to target groups.
Our services
- Training of nature guides
Specialized further training for employees in protected areas in Central Eastern Europe, based on the German standard for certified nature and countryside guides - Individual support and advice on the development of sophisticated nature tours in protected areas
- Provision of an individualized specialised website for certified nature guides:
Nature Experience Bulgaria
Nature Experience Albania - Further training in soil communication
Development of communication concepts and implementation of individual further training on the topic of “soil perception” in the outdoors, especially for nature guides and other tour guides;
Research and evaluation
Our services
- Studies and surveys on contemporary issues in science and environmental communication
- Development and implementation of target group-oriented evaluation tools, especially for outdoor environmental education
- Advice on project planning, fundraising, project evaluation.